To Sponsor
Listing Formats |
Format | What/Where It Is | How Much Per Year |
728x90 - image/text | Top or bottom of a page (just below top navigation array or just above bottom navigation array), you choose the page except only 1 large banner per page (except on business directory listing pages) - first come, first served |
Generally $200 - sometimes more depending on page traffic - talk to us |
300x160 - image/text |
You choose the page, interspersed through the content on the page starting at upper left just below page title block, maximum of 2 per page |
Generally $200 - sometimes more depending on page traffic - talk to us |
Other Links - text only | Scattered in appropriate places in the text, no more than two per page. Must be obviously relevant to the page. |
$200 each for the 1st three; $150 each for 4-6; $100 each for ten or more |
Basic Page Sponsor Links - text only | "This page sponsored by Your Name." Linked directly to you and placed in the "Copyright" section at bottom of page. One per page and only on pages that are not otherwise "owned." |
$100 each for the first three; $75 each for 4-6; $50 each for ten or more |
If you are interested in advertising your business by sponsoring this website:
- All prices are for annual subscription and payment is fully earned when ads are published to the web (this allows time for the ads (and links to you) to get picked up by the search engines and fully come into play for you).
- We won't sell you a spot that someone else has first, unless they give it up.
- Every link to you feeds directly to your website - nothing in between: no frames, no pop-ups or pop-unders, no interstitials. This is one of the basic requirements of accessibility: no surprises for anyone who clicks on a link. What you see is what you get.
- If you want to place multiple ads, talk to us: we offer discounts for multiple ads.
- Nearly everyone who sponsors, resubscribes, year after year after year. Quite a few try us and then expand their subscription. We seem to be doing something right.
For page traffic numbers we use Google Analytics, Quantcast (for overall traffic data) and Analog (on the web server itself). Between these three sources we get a pretty good idea of overall traffic trends and actual traffic on individual pages. If you are interested, the best thing to do is call us (719-846-3707) during normal working hours (Mon-Fri, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time). And we can do the artwork or you can submit your own. If it's Flash/RIA, you'll want to submit your own, just keep to the format sizes listed above and a maximum object size of 100K.
There is an online order form here. Fill it out, submit it (through the web site), call us if you want or need to. And make a choice as to how you'd like to be billed: direct invoice from us and pay by check, or invoice via Paypal so you can pay by credit/debit card.
Some folks want to know about the Google/Chitika/Infolinks (and other common ad-server) ads: as sponsors sign up on particular pages, those ads go away.
Easiest way to reach us: use the online order form.